We’re proud to announce that awamo has reached the next milestone in its business development. At the end of July 2018, awamo served 60 microfinance institutions and SACCOs in Uganda, whose combined client base is beyond the mark of 70,000. Last month, more than 40,000 transactions were being processed, which moved more than EUR 1,000,000 through awamo’s platform. This is real money of real MFI and SACCO clients, for example at Kampala’s Nakasero Market (see the post image for an on-site impression).
Nakasero Market Traders’ SACCO serves its clients who deposit their revenues from the market for later use as working capital or to save for school fees and housing purposes. This is very much the root idea of microfinance, to facilitate access to financial services for everyone.
We’re happy to have made it up to this point and would like to thank our customers, partners, and supporters for their commitment so far!