We’re very proud to announce that awamo has won the 2018 FinTechGermany Award in the “Seed / Early Stage” category. The range of contenders over the years has been impressive, which makes it a apecial honor for us to line up with our predecessors.
The winners in other categories have been: ELEMENT (InsurTech), Exporo (PropTech), N26 (Growth Stage), OptioPay (Later Stage), Revolut (Foreign Market Entry).
FinTechGermany Award 2018 TrophyA specialty is the award itself, which is a gold-plated pipe wrench, sponsored by the inventor of the pipe wrench itself, Rothenberger. That by the way is the reason for naming the award “Golden Garage”, and why it is deeply rooted in the regional ecosystem which is and always has been one of the hubs of German entrepreneurship.
The award ceremony in Frankfurt’s Techquartier was a great choice in terms of bringing together entrepreneurs, investors, accelerators, and other ecosystem players from the region.